New Standard Realty

10 Things You Never Knew Are Negotiable

Haggling over prices is a time-honored tradition in many countries, but American consumers aren’t particularly keen on negotiating. According to a 2013 survey by Consumer Reports, only 48 percent of buyers bargained on goods and services over the previous three years—although the same report found that 89 percent of the hagglers had at least one […]

7 Essentials Every Millennial Needs in Their First Home

More and more millennials are buying homes, representing around 45 percent of all purchase loans, and most first-time millennial homebuyers are on a limited budget. While you may not be able to find the perfect home that checks every box on your dream home list, you can find a home you can improve on or […]

How to save enough money for a down payment on a home

Saving up a down payment to buy your first house can seem a pretty daunting task. If you’ve never had more than a few thousand dollars in the bank at any given time, then setting aside five figures or more may seem impossible. However, getting a down payment together is not as difficult as you […]

5 Crucial Questions Home Buyers Should Ask Sellers Before Moving In

Moving into a home you’ve just bought is exciting—and sometimes exasperating. That’s because, although you might love your new place, you don’t know it all that well—which means that sooner or later, you’re bound to end up in a situation where you’re floundering cluelessly with the circuit breaker, or petting a neighbor’s seemingly adorable Pomeranian […]

Looks Can Be Deceiving — Get Your House Thoroughly Inspected

One of my clients was house hunting in a particular, 100-year-old neighborhood in Oakland, Calif. Very stroll-to-the-local-produce-market-esque. We found this lovely little Spanish-style cottage with all the charming detail of the 1920s when it was built, but simply gleaming as though it was in brand-new condition. We walked inside and saw that the home had […]